Fix Slow Charging In Android

Fix Slow Charging In Android – slow charging is the most common issue in any android phone that comes without fast charging facility but sometimes it takes more times to charge the regular phone. Fix slow charging in Android is convenient you can fix your android phone slow charging with some tweaks that make your phone charge fast and last for a long time. Many people posted they have bought fast charging android phone like Samsung note 4 or note five but it also sometimes takes more hours to charge,

but if you study this why it takes longer to load then you’ll get to know there are some aspects that you need to take care of while charging your phone here in this post I going to show you how you can Fix Slow Charging In Android.

How To Fix Slow Charging In Android

You can set your android phone slow charging with these tweaks just follow the steps and methods given below to blow your android phone charging. 🙂
Things to keep in mind while charging your phone
#1 Always keeps in mind don’t use your Android phone while charging it slow down the charging and shorten your battery life.
#2 If you’re using data or wifi while charging it can also slow down your charging speed.
#3 Don’t use screen saver that turns on while charging it never let the display turn off and it can easy charging.
#4 Don’t play games on your phone while charging it cause heat your android phone and consume more battery juice and slow charging.
#5 Turn off all the apps that run in the background in ram that may drain your battery and resources and it can cause slow charging.
#6 If possible, switch off your phone or take it to airplane mode it boosts the charging and charge your phone’s battery in the fastest way.
